Floofy Carrot Cake Cookies with Lemon Icing

One of my favorites from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. Kemi likes them too.

inspecting the carrot cake cookies

Whenever I have made these cookies in the past, I have had to spread the icing on with a knife like butter. They look messy and sad. Someone suggested I put the icing in a sandwich bag and cut away the corner. This has resulted in a slight aesthetic improvement of my iced cookies, though it is obvious my technique could use a lot of refinement.

I had so much extra icing I had to make it thicker on some cookies

Compare with the same cookies made in September of last year:carrot cake cookies with icing 9-26-2011 4-39-32 PM

In other cookie news, I made a batch of cranberry almond cookies two nights ago and I have not had a single one! I have managed to avoid refined sugar for two days plus. yay. I’m trying to make it until I visit my brother in 17 days, but I am approaching this one day at a time.